Hi, I'm Jessica. I am a mother, wife, daughter, LPN and now I'm going to try my hand at photography.
I have lived in the Sussex area all my life......well since twelve days old when I was adopted and brought home by my wonderful parents Donnie and Judy Freeze. I graduated from Sussex Regional High in 2002 and later went on to graduate from the LPN program in 2005. Since graduating I have worked at the Sussex Health Center (when I'm Not on maternaty leave lol), which by the way is where I met my amazing supportive husband Larry Snyder. We have our home (which we are always renovating together) in Norton, where Larry was born and bred. Along with Larry came my awesome grown step-daughters Chelsey and her hubby Dustin and Jessica. We have also been blessed with four of the sweetest, beautiful, smart and loving little girls in the world together; Miley, Charlee and twins Reegan and Rylie. These little dollies are my whole world, I don't know what I ever did without them! At just four years, twenty two months and six months my girls became Aunties to sweet little baby Oliver, making me a "Mammie" at twenty nine years old. Our numbers may be strange, but we are family and could not be happier or love eachother more.
I have been interested in photography for years, always taking my point and shoot camera everywhere looking for a great photo opp. A few years ago I scored my first DSLR camera from KIJIJI and thought to myself "where have you been all my life?" When my lense broke a few months ago it gave me a great excuse to upgrade to my new DSLR, which led to backdrops, lighting, a few props etc. I have wanted to take photos for others for a long time and have a small photography business because I enjoy it so much, and frankly my kids are probably tired of having my camera on them all the time lol. I have spent hours researching, practicing, reading and surfing ideas; it has felt much like school but so much more enjoyable as it's something I love so much. I am far from knowing it all but can't wait to continue to keep learning, and feeling that great feeling when you take a great shot. I have run out of excuses to to tell myself as to why I shouldn't give this dream a try, so here I am; and that's enough about me. I want to know about you so we can capture some great moments together.
Jessica Anne Freeze Snyder